Wpsd vs pistar. HF is disturbing eletronic devices a little bit.
Wpsd vs pistar This must mean that its not the hardware. Nov 19, 2020 · The BER is recalculated at each stage of the process I think, so when your hotspot receives from your radio it notes and displays how many bits needed correcting then passes on corrected data to the network layers, which someone else sees as 0. The author of Pi-Star, Andy MW0MWZ, did a fabulous job of making it easy to manage the open source software written by Jonathan G4KLX and others, but two years ago Andy asked the community to step in and take over keeping it updated. You have to dig around under the hood to do the same with Pi-Star. 1. But geez - Being able to jump from a Brandmeister talk group into a TGIF talk group without changing your server? Apr 11, 2018 · Also if the pistar setup is intended to be a multiuser installation such as a repeater or simplex gateway, where it runs under its own club call, or NOV callsign. To connect it to WiFi, after applying power, wait about 5 minutes (it has to timeout trying to connect to Wi-Fi then will create its own hotspot for you to connect to) then go to a PC and connect to the "Pi-Star-Setup" WiFi network. . It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. And the reason why i asked him to be a moderator Jun 3, 2020 · Often when people create a DMR hotspot they set them up for only one network. WPSD connects to a DMR gateway that can connect to various other servers. Revised: Apr 2023, CC BY-SA As of Jan 1, 2024, this site is no longer being updated. Feb 4, 2021 · Also if that does not cure it - try using the alternate download location (linked at the normal one) just in case you or your ISP have some caching problem. In Chip's words: WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur Mar 5, 2024 · En este video te muestro como actualizar tu versión de tu hotspot pi-star al proyecto WSPD de forma fácil y rápida y te muestro de donde puedes descargar una If you have more than one pistar hotspot, enter a different 2-digit ESSID from the pull-down menu for each one. PROJECT NAME & ETYMOLOGY When WPSD was first released in late 2020, I named it “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash”, since it was a major fork to the popular Pi-Star software (the “OG Red Software”). I have tried both (just in case) but generally sticking to DN mode. It must be a software issue or a radio issue of some kind. Jul 13, 2018 · 5 now in your computing device's browser type 192. Feb 18, 2024 · I am planning to eschew WPSD and kept my last image from circa October of last year before trying WPSD. Nov 2, 2023 · Good summary of WPSD. Jan 27, 2021 · Re: RadioID. I know from setting up GB7KH that getting this correct takes patience. Next press the "space bar" to start transmitting. A possible reason for OpenSpot3 subject to comment above. Sep 4, 2018 · Thanks to Steve K2GOG of The Hudson Valley Digital Network (HVDN) for submitting his post on how to create a wireless display for Pi-Star. The short answer is to use 5 days ago · I recently interviewed Chip W0CHP to learn about WPSD, how it got started and where it is going. /admin/pistar_live_logs. Jun 6 11:42:16 pi-star pistar-watchdog. Note that this new WPSD RPi Bookworm disk image is universal; so it will support other Raspberry Pi Platforms, not only the Raspberry Pi 5. Both are great, and it really depends on what your preferences/requirements are. Sep 22, 2023 · However, I am curious if anyone has tried the current 4. A number of these things were items people tried to get the Pi-Star people to implement. Looking for a new and improved dashboard for your Raspberry Pi hotspot? Look no further! Join Jim, WT1W, as he introduces you to the WPSD project by W0CHP. Hamlib rigcltd; CQRlog; Fldigi (digi modes) WSJT-X (WSPR) Digitale Spraak (Dutch) MMX411 - Multi Mode [X]Cross. Now the display isn’t working like it used to!” This means that you neglected to read about the known issues and incompatibilites. Welcome to BI7JTA'Wiki for MMDVM. Jul 26, 2023 · Today we'll get you from zero to hero - YSF on the Pi-Star using the W0CHP dashboard. May 13, 2018 · I am also fairly new. Mar 10, 2024 · Now, to get to the point of this thread, personally, I have a Pi 3b attached to a Radioddity GD-77 for DMR connection. 5 that was purchased from HRO in 2021, and it came configured for pi-star. pi-star: sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_dual_hat-12mhz wpsd: sudo wpsd-modemupgrade hs_dual_hat-12mhz. G4KLX added support for Terminal Mode to his DStarRepeater program, and when used with his ircDDBGateway program, the Terminal Mode user has full linking access to REF, XRF, DCS and XLX reflectors. Begin December 1, 2019, I will continue update this WIKI page instead of Google blog, I am working on MMDVM just for my hobby, I am happy to share my knowledge and resources about MMDVM open source project. Below we'll go over some of the basics to get your hotspot up and running. W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD) -- A Custom and Enhanced Pi-Star Dashboard This is a very highly modified and customized fork of MW0MWZ’s Pi-Star software, called “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash”. One gotcha is remembering to add a Brandmeister API key to WPSD. I had to do this after an update to my no-name Chinese hat which, for some reason, only works with an old firmware version. As jason says pistar was never written to be a repeater controller. This is when my Zumspot was stuck at initializing and never got out of that mode. Modes enabled shows DMR in green and in NETWORK STATUS DMR NET is green, but BM showed that the hotspot was not linked. Jan 23, 2020 · PiStar Remote # Restart the PiStar services with RF power from your HT. To make use of PiStar Remote you Full Editors: DMRGateway I PiStar-Remote I WiFi Config I BM API Key I System Cron I RSSI Dat Tools: SSH Access Callsign Timeout Duplex General K16ZUM 1234567 240 o RFModeHang 300 NetModeHang 300 Display ;OLED Daemon 1 Apply Changes Info RXFrequency 434600000 TXFrequency 434600000 Power 1 Latitude 50. MD5 Checksums: WPSD_Latest_MD5. 6 Now scroll down to the wireless section -- this WILL show interface is down as no networks are known at this point. 4) updated today (Dashboard date is 20210212). service[27333]: See "systemctl status dmrgateway. uk for an explanation; Andy will be "revisiting" the update tomorrow. net vs. Jul 24, 2023 · That's one way of looking at it. >This is my very highly modified and customized fork of MW0MWZ’s Pi-Star software, and I call it “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash” (abbreviated as WPSD). Pi-Star is a pre-built Raspberry Pi image for amateur radio users experimenting with digital voice communications like D-STAR and DMR. 1 (normally) -- Pistar MAY work on full computers or laptops but sometimes not so use the IP for now. When configured correctly on the hotspot and in your codeplug for the radio, changing from a talkgroup on one network to a talkgroup on another is as simple as changing channels on your radio. Sep 9, 2020 · I noticed there is a "power" setting on the MMDVM Expert configuration screen, just below the RX and TX frequency set. This PDF does a decent job of explaining how to do it. 7GB decompressed) Orange Pi Zero Disk Image:: OrangePi Zero Disk Image Download: WPSD_OrangePiZero_Latest. NOTE: The new WPSD Dashboard have install NextionDriver, just enable it. I use it regularly with YSF66099 (Argentina Link), but I have tried other reflectors and the same thing happens. Jan 26, 2021 · Some users want to keep a QRZ lookup. Linux Ubuntu. Why not the 0. The 1. Somewhere along this journey I came across an article that talked about upgrading/updating the Pi-Star software that the hot spot runs on. xz (804MB compressed; 2. Jan 28, 2024 · Looking for a new and improved dashboard for your Raspberry Pi hotspot? Look no further! Join Jim, WT1W, as he introduces you to the WPSD project by W0CHP. Are WPSD the disk images/software that ZUMradio / DVMEGA / BridgeComm use on their products, the same as on the WPSD website? Apr 17, 2018 · These are the ones I know about: Set OLED Type: 3 = 0. Apr 5, 2018 · Alternatively you can have pi-star find the offset value for you by running pistar-cal. only one core. Expect to learn about these Dec 22, 2023 · WPSD would have no reason to exist, without Jonathan’s incredible and prolific contributions and gifts to the ham community. 96″ OLED to work on my Pi-star hotspots. 2. Apr 13, 2018 · Hello All, I Have a Duplex MMDVM board that is running HS_Hat:v1. This software is for use on amateur radio networks only, it is to be used for educational purposes only. Hint: This feature has been evolving. Still WPSD is super cool and is now my new favorite. In this video, I talk briefly about the WPSD Project. I was running Pistar, then switched to WPSD, and want to switch back to Pistar. Apr 5, 2018 · There are a few other reasons why these boxes show red on the dashboards, but many times it's possible to get an idea of the issue by watching what's reported on the pi-star live logs page. I have it tuned up as s simplex node (according to the band plan, and 300kHz from the DMR hotspot) with 0. 1a) DMR2YSF. These are the only official online support mediums for my software. Dec 23, 2021 · The performance increases are quite a joy and are very noticeable. Allow the update process to run until you see: Updates complete, sleeping for a few seconds before making the disk Read-Only Finished; Next, upgrade the operating system, services, and packages. It's called The WPSD Project (W0CHP. It’s a great enhancement to the pi-star hotspot. After importing a backup WPSD configuration file and doing a couple of tweaks, the hotspot came to life. They write that it can be used for applications such as a 'single mode hotspot running simplex providing you with access WPSD (“W0CHP-PiStar-Dash”) - Facebook Apr 24, 2018 · Hi Chris, or the tx power could be high, if your work with the hotspot in the same room. If you are already running W0CHP-PiStar-Dash, AND you have custom or W0CHP-PiStar-Dash CSS, no CSS changes, no matter which option you run this command with. service failed because a timeout was exceeded. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 0% as it goes through to their hotspot dashboard and the modem but the radio at the other end of the link may still hear some errors and possibly Jan 27, 2024 · Why WPSD? It is purported to be simpler to configure. service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. Next press the "f" key repeatedly until the radio goes silent. Learn & accept what makes WPSD different. 5%. ZUMSpot duplex board conected to GPIO sudo pistar Apr 4, 2018 · Using your computer/phone, you can then connect to the Pistar-Setup wifi. pistar. com - Page 7 - forum. Nov 12, 2022 · WPSD is a next-generation, digital voice software suite for amateur radio use. Not all hotspots are created equal. Apr 11, 2018 · I amwondering why the mmdvmhost. Jan 18, 2022 · We are due to get a cold spell and some snow over the next few weeks so what better time for another amateur radio project. Andre Toronto, Canada 🎙 But there is a really nice alternative software solution for radios connected to the computer via the OPC-2350LU data cable. Using your Yaesu handheld and your Pi-Star hotspot which is using YSF/C4FM mode we are going to re-configure so we can crossmode over to DMR and gain the ability to talk on all three of the DMR networks. here, as to prevent many users from slamming the official servers, while using my unofficial Pi-Star fork (W0CHP-PiStar-Dash) ;^) These hostfiles are checked for changes, and if there are changes, updated once per hour at random minutes of each hour. 16. You can only access a WIRES-X room on a YSFReflector if the operator of the reflector has the equipment to provide a bridge. Learn how this derivative of the Jun 30, 2023 · I just migrated one of my Pi-Zero hotspots to WPSD and it’s running well albeit slowly as cautioned. Jan 30, 2019 · If you are using the YSF2xxx cross-over modes, and Pi-Star v4, you might want to play about with a new option After working with Jonathan we've come up with a method to pass WiresX commands to the YSF2xxx gateways, so now you can turn on all of the YSF2xxx modes on your YSF hotspot, and drive it ALL form the radio Nov 12, 2022 · Learn & accept what makes WPSD different. For more info, see the Pi-Star User Forum. ZUMspot RPi board sudo pistar-zumspotflash rpi. Oct 15, 2018 · What release of pistar are you running? Is it the current uptodate release? In a earlier release a while back the dashboard would only poll the status when it was first, or rebooted or a change of reflector was initiated. I’ve never been able to get a 0. Andrew M1DNS, (Mod) Last edited by M1DNS on Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:08 pm, edited 2 times in total. Aug 14, 2019 · 2. With each one, my Dstar radio cycles per the attached video without being keyed. 6 Neste vídeo estou atendendo pedidos para fazer a configuração online do excelente programa Pi-Star, elaborado pelo colega W0CHP - Emilio 'Chip' S Cuccio, Jr. En la foto: yo, un nerd y un adolescente Jan 1, 2021 · It is installed on a RPi3+B. Feb 29, 2020 · PiStar does a couple of things. In other words, the concept of a dynamic vs static has to do with HOW and WHEN a talkgroup is active on a repeater. For a while, the gd-77 was connected to BlueDV. WPSD was specifically designed for high end processors like the Pi 4. Rasperry Pi Disk Image:: RaspberryPi Disk Image Download: WPSD_RPi_Latest. Instructions indicate using the STM32-DVM/MMDVM_HS - Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO) modem choice. I'm trying to understand the way I can use duplex, with my pi-star. Jun 9, 2020 · Just like a screwdriver was never designed to be a chisel, pistar was always "personal hotspot first" So. I get this in the log, so I presume it's worked fine :- Project Statement, Disclaimer: J-STAR Based on open source MMDVM, PI-STAR, WPSD. The other day, I updated the WPSD version and it went through fine, after that I updated the MMDVM. Although WPSD began as a derivative of the original Pi-Star software and shares some minor similarities, WPSD is vastly different and is its own software. 1x) hat and it receives traffic from the talk groups and able to hear on my Anytone base station but no response from local rf is seen in the dashboard when i press the PTT button , this was working initially. Switching […] Mar 4, 2023 · You can save a config backup to ur pc from the bashboard. Even has a few different digital modes to play around with, like M17. After applying changes, reboot Pi-Star. Or reboot the whole Raspberry Pi. php. for Official Hola amigos, hoy les traigo un nuevo video sobre FreeDMR. But if they want to use DMR+ one moment, then Brandmeister the next and then later talk with someone on the TGIF network they will need to switch back and forth depending on which network they want to use. Change rotation: Rotate = 0 or 1. , perhaps even with friends (if you have any), and let the file-system auto-expand and the rest of the system initialize. What does this service accomplish that the default-installed ntpd doesn't, and if nothing, why does it unnecessarily clutter the "Service Status" group, please? What is the advantage of a duplex hotspot? NOTE: I’m not responsible, do a backup of your existing configuration, blah, blah, yada, yada, etc. dynamic or static) is simply how it's configured on a repeater. txt HINTS: When first booting from the Bullseye-based disk image, go grab a coffee, drink, etc. 4. Best regards Do you need to know how to update your SkyBridge hotspot using Pi-Star? In this video, Lucas AEØLI walks you through how to perform a Pi-Star update so you c Sep 19, 2022 · Pi-Star Information; ↳ Announcements; ↳ Feature Requests; ↳ FAQ; Software Support; ↳ Pi-Star General Support; ↳ WiFi Setup; ↳ IP Networking Sep 22, 2023 · I am planning to eschew WPSD and kept my last image from circa October of last year before trying WPSD. 2. Nov 30, 2020 · This is not really a repeater question but it's related. 168. The more expensive ones have better quality TCXO and can work with zero TX and RX Apr 13, 2024 · WPSD also does Nano-Pi and Orange Pi Zero in addition to Raspberry Pi. . The password for this network is: raspberry Once you have connected to the Pistar-Setup wifi, you will be able to pull up the dashboard. 00 Height 0 Location Town, LOC4TOR Note: As of July, 2023, there are new official, custom-built images available for the ZUMspot Mini 1. Balun 1:1 BU-55 D-Original; UnUn impedance transformer End-Fed; Ham Radio Software. Then do a final update and you should be good. For more information, please see the official WPSD docs . 1 was out for Pi-Star). I am running an MMDVM_HS hat on a Pi 3B+ with the latest Pi Star version (4. Like stated; WIRES-X is a proprietary closed system. Pi Zero 2. I have heard that you need to run the 4. When I inserted the card and powered up, the hotspot booted up in a minute or two. 3/20210127 today adds the switch to swap around RadioID and QRZ. I tested the latest version of the software with my Raspberry Pi 5, and an MMDVM Dual Hat. Here, you can view a detailed write-up with benchmarks, comparing the Pi Zero vs. What may have worked for you in Pi-Star most likely works differently in WPSD. Oct 27, 2019 · It has really been bugging me. Save them, and reboot Pi-Star. May 20, 2021 · Jun 6 11:42:16 pi-star systemd[1]: Failed to start DMRGateway Radio Servce. The quirkiness of WPSD and the quirkiness of Chip the developer coupled with updates of Pi-Star has impelled me to make my return to leveraging Pi-Star in the future! My board says: ZUM Radio ZUMspot-RPi v0. , etc. I recently bought 4 more MMDVM Duplex boards to build for fellow hams they are running HS_Hat:v1. And the price, $15 USD as an average…you can’t go wrong. The WPSD Project is free and open-source software (FOSS). When it worked, it worked well, but would freeze without receiving more frequent transmissions from Apr 14, 2018 · Pi-Star personalization #pistar #DMR. 3 and Elite 3. oranges). 3″. WPSD also has specific OS image files for specific MMDVM hardware. That process took about a minute or 2 3. The ability to use the digital modes like DMR, DStar or Yeasu System Fusion is a way to access hams around the world even if you don’t have a repeater near you. Type "m" this sets a 1031 Hz test tone. If runs excellently. Either way it is driven by the lack of consistency by the transceiver manufacturers to combine formats. Oh sorry, we could not show you the video! We had the following sources: ogv, webm, mp4 Shared video. I mirror the official Pi-Star and other canonical hostfiles, etc. NanoDV USB board sudo pistar-nanodvflash usb. WPSD is available as installable disk images, and multiple platforms & devices are supported. There is an interesting item on the Admin dashboard at Configuration > Advanced > Quick Editors > MMDVM Host > FM (scroll way down past POCSAG and Lock File options) and you’ll see an “FM” option? Sep 25, 2024 · After using a variety of hotspots from different vendors I've always been asked the same question by other amateur radio operators. ini file contains duplicate values for the RF and NET hangtimes. Apr 19, 2022 · This is a quick overview video of W0CHP’s Pi-Star Dashboard. 6GB decompressed) Nano Pi Neo Disk Feb 7, 2019 · I cant get anything to work at this point. Another development: W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD) – This fork of Pi-Star that is being actively. Dec 16, 2024 · WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur radio use, enjoyed by many thousands of hams around the globe. Oct 21, 2022 · Hotspots have become a pretty standard device for those using digital handhelds. Nov 25, 2023 · Pi-Star scripts that began with pistar-have all been removed and replaced with a smaller set of wpsd-scripts. Sent via smoke signals from my SM-G935F M1DNS (Admin). It connects your installation to the Internet, switches voice packets between the Internet and local radio equipment (duplex repeaters or simplex hot spots) and displays a dashboard full of status messages and indicators about the state of conversations it's working on. And as to him being wrong? Whilst he doesnt always get it right he is one of the more knowledgeable of pistar users i know. You can then restore that backup file to your new hotspot as a starting point. Success! The performance improvements were immediately obvious. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, sudo pistar-update Or, click the Expert Editor's Update link. 50. However, the other hand is that community has had to step-up because someone else won't. I was playing around with that for a bit, but managed to get everything configured to match the original Pi-Star software. Today, I’ve released the long-awaited WPSD “Bookworm”-based disk image for the Raspberry Pi (“RPi”) platforms. BridgeCom Systems is migrating to WPSD (W0CHP Pi-Star Dash)! What exactly does this mean for you? Find out the What, Where, When, and How inside! Pi-Star Information; ↳ Announcements; ↳ Feature Requests; ↳ FAQ; Software Support; ↳ Pi-Star General Support; ↳ WiFi Setup; ↳ IP Networking Recently updated my pi-star with this version and WOW is it a lot more responsive and easy to use. radio). Mar 14, 2024 · It sounded kind of iffy to me so I decided to give WPSD a 1st try. However, by that time I had upgraded to the Pi Why Change Colors I have two identical Pi-Star hotspots, each programmed with different Frequencies and Servers. Make your wifi configuration changes. Feb 5, 2019 · Then go back to SSH and type "sudo pistar-mmdvmcal" this will start the calibration program. 0 beta ver of pistar with the duplex, and i have done that. QRZ. What is WPSD? WPSD is a tool for digital voice enthusiasts to manage their digital communications. but once I put it on better hardware (Pi4 and then a Pi Zero 2), it has been working very well. php Andrew M1DNS, (Mod) Dec 13, 2024 · “I installed WPSD on my TGIFspot with a Nextion display. End Fed vs Fan dipole; End-Fed for WARC; Balun / UnUn. As new features are made available, the SBMax will automatically update, so it will never become obsolete. 0% BER. 6 Yeah but what you said originally and what you just stated are two different things. 96″. Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. CQ · Base · D-STAR · DMR · Hotspots · Pi-Star Updating hotspot firmware via Pi-Star. May 6, 2024 · 1. Feb 29, 2020 · From what I can tell, based on using the pistar calls some things aren't necessarily correct as pistar-update followed by pistar-upgrade failed a number of times in succession when tried and I then found the --fix-broken install by running the standard update/upgrade functions which once called and followed by a standard update/upgrade then Jan 27, 2021 · Re: RadioID. Spending a few minutes at the WPSD page that explains this is worth your time if you’re thinking of trying WPSD. Nginx is working (the webserver) or you would never see the 502 message, so its most likely the PHP engine that is broken - the most usual way for that to happen, is that the version changed. Jim and Steve over at H Jan 30, 2024 · ¿Hay alguna otra alternativa al software Pi-Star, para los hotspot que corren en una Raspberry Pi?La respuesta es, Si!Hay otra alternativa y es muy buena, es el software WPSD que corre en el mismo hardware que corre Pi-Star, a continuacion la descripcion del autor del mismo, el radioaficionado conocido como “Chip Cuccio”, Emilio 'Chip' S Cuccio, Jr. There are so many I noticed after a while, that my BER percentage of my MMDVM_HS_Hat and Pi-Star setup was significantly higher than other users, at around 3. If WPSD webSSH not work , use J-Star, PI-STAR webSSH, or Windows Powershell, Putty, MobaXterm ssh tools. That mostly updates data. x series of Pi-Star on a Pi Zero V1? I had upgraded my Pi Zero from V1 to V2 to use WPSD but then switched back to Pi-Star when I saw how arrogant Chip was and how full of bugs WPSD was (as well as noticing that V4. See the section on “Adding a BM Password To Your Hotspot” for using BM Hotspot Security (now required by BM). I personally like WPSD as it handles simultaneous use of Brandmeister and TGIF networks with no issues. It will remain available for some time for legacy reference. Nano hotSPOT board sudo pistar-nanohsflash nano_hs. After selecting/filling the fields as shown above, click on “Apply Changes” and wait for the pistar to reboot. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging. Use at your own risk as this is a work in prog Greetings all, In the Admin page "Service Status" group, I see that "TimeServer" is not green. xz (497MB compressed; 2. com Post by G4HFG » Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:01 pm 'If you don't have the fields showing, first make sure you are running the latest dashboard build (this feature arrived in 20210127), so long as you have that or newer thats great, if you have set CSS settings already, do the reset at the bottom of the page (after making a Basically there’s a daily automatic update that happens. I should point out that Pi-Star is still being developed and just had a major update and a major beta update. Should I use Pi-Star or WPSD. g. Pi-Star update 4. I can get into the dashboard and make changes, but still no luck being able to talk to the duplex with my HT. If you are at all active in Pi-based hotspots or repeaters and have been using Pi-Star, it is time to switch to WPSD. There are so many large changes, divergences and new features, it merited my own There is a new Pi-Star dashboard now available - and it's worth a look if you're a Pi-Star user! Chip, W0CHP, created this custom fork of Pi-Star and it's su Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. I have also now replaced the MMDVM board, but am still having the same problem. So had to re-enter the passwords in both the Pistar and BM to establish a link. Support: Per Chip: Some really great users, fans and contributors of W0CHP-PiStar-Dash have set up a Facebook Group and a Discord Server to get community support, etc. com Post by N7HHI » Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:26 pm KG6RUT wrote: ↑ Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:18 pm Anyway to make it a setting for us to decide? and TY TY TY for well all of it! Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. Restarting services didnt poll for info to update the status field. service[27333]: Job for dmrgateway. Oct 14, 2024 · Hi, I have the Zumspot Elite 3. RXInvert=0 , use sudo pistar-mmdvmcal test "B", A/M, you Documentation: WPSD has documentation available (so I won't be writing about it here): WPSD User Manual. Jul 9, 2021 · I'm using the latest version (4. When using the -id option, your custom CSS settings are backed up (in the event you want to revert back to the official dashboard -- see bullet 6), and the W0CHP dashboard uses the Nesse video vamos fazer resumo do WPSD programa utilizado em Hotspot MMDVM. It can handle multiple modes and is fully upgradable. ini file have 300 s defined for RFModeHang and RFModeHang which is visible in the EXPERT-MMDVMHost menu. DMR Master – Select the DMR Master you want to use, either DMR2YSF (easiest) or DMRGateway. VW is a wide mode and will not work. Be sure to change its use from private to public. May 11, 2022 · Hi All, I'm using a raspberry pi zero with a MMDVM(Pi-Star 4. Mar 29, 2020 · Yep, that's what it was KE7FNS! Stoooopid me changed the call sign in the 9700 gateway entry, but the 'MY' callsign box was what I thought a text only box as it contains additional info such as rig/location or whatever you want really - hence thinking that was just a text box. Jul 20, 2020 · The "sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat" ran succesfully and it has rebooted. Ensure: http://pi-star/admin/advanced/fulledit_mmdvmhost. Then you’ve got to manually run upgrade. This is the (only) WPSD disk image that supports the newer Raspberry Pi Model 5 platform. 3″ works okay. I have set pi-star to duplex mode and tried two separate duplex hats. The Bullseye disk images are ready-to-go; with W0CHP-PiStar-Dash installed. There is no valid comparison (apples vs. Well I've come to a halt on pistar,I have it installed on my raspberry pi with a hotspot and a baofeng DM 1701 with opengd77 and really need a guide of how to get them talking to each other,I have a brandmeiser account as I did read I need one,I have 2 hats for my pi and both pictured below 👇🏻 currently using the one with a screen I. for WPSD Pi-Star. The most relevant improvement over the Pi Zero, us the the Pi Zero 2 has a quad-core 1GHz processor, vs. The heart of the SkyBridge MAX is the WPSD operating system specifically developed for hotspots. My initial concerns may have been unfounded. If the version of the data doesn’t match the app version - pistar breaks. I got it working with WPSD fine and dandy. 7 and they run poorly. Radio/Modem Type: ZUMspot - Single Band Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO) Firmware upgrade script: sudo pistar Aug 8, 2020 · With regards to VW vs DN, you are correct. I'm having a hard time finding out what units this is set in and what is the allowable range. I was easi Nov 2, 2023 · Good summary of WPSD. Sometimes multiple times until there’s no errors in the logs during upgrade. D-Star & DMR – XLX411 Reflector; C4FM – YSF Reflector; openSPOT multi-mode IP Jun 3, 2021 · Seeing "502 Bad Gateway" would suggest he cant use any of the dashboard. I'm not familiar with WPSD yet (it looks like I might have a go soon though), but with regular MMDVM/pi-star you can downgrade the hat firmware through ssh. The first lines (line 5 and 6) of the mmdvm. Find the hard-to-find entry field POCSAG data/paging. It will not access the new network until you reboot. I would like to be able to monitor 2 different Talk Groups, and display data two different lines, as the duplex displays suggest is possible. Feb 29, 2020 · It seems however that you are correct and that there seems to be a reluctance to document, possibly its just lack of time vs development time that some of the few developers have. In the DMR Configuration module:. img. See RadioID. Your initial comment “reading that the developer…apparently ceased software development” and drawing a conclusion that being non responsive and not releasing updates means development has ceased…that’s a recipe for FUD. On the Pi Zero, WPSD was very slow. When I bring up the dashboard, I wanted a quick way to identify which hotspot was connected. You should hear the test tone on your radio at this point. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. Prerequisite Work For The TGIF Network Home. Running more than one network simultaneously can be done with Pi-Star. Id be inclinded to add an ssid to the 2nd config that will allow a server to see your 2nd hotspot as a seperate connection to the 1st. Nov 12, 2022 · Learn & accept what makes WPSD different. Its use on commercial networks is strictly prohibited. Jun 16, 2020 · In my radio codeplug I have a couple of dozen talkgroups programmed in on DMR with the colour codes and timeslots set to 1 on both but I see on my pistar dash in the bottom left corner that my timeslot 2 is enabled and green but timeslot 1 is not and grey'd out. com Post by MW0MWZ » Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:57 pm F5VMR wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:31 pm Just noticed a wee problem, that everyone appears to have moved to Badakhshan when one clicks on the callsign in Pi_Star in the RadioID Service. This morning (on a fresh start after about 12 hours) I was back to square one. Apr 11, 2018 · So whats the reasoning of making the Auto AP name change to the hostname? Shouldn't it always be "Pi-Star-Setup"? That way if there ever was a wifi connection failure and the Auto AP was active a simple area scan would always result in the same "Pi-Star-Setup" SSID being active. NanoDV NPi board sudo pistar-nanodvflash pi. where you can enter the rx offset value once the offset has been determined. The design concept is simple, provide the complex services and configuration for Digial Voice on Amateur radio in a way that makes it easily accessable to anyone just starting out, but make it configurable enough to be interesting for those of us who cant help but tinker. Fiz o exp Jan 25, 2021 · Re: RadioID. Though, a recent change has removed operating system updates from that feature. Reseat and reboot – If you're using a modem mounted via a GPIO header to a Raspberry Pi or similar, remove and reseat the modem. 5 hotspots using W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD), which is based on the new and improved Raspberry Pi Bullseye operating system. So statements such as, “it works in regular Pi-Star”, will result in immediate post and/or comment removal. Demystifying TX and RX offset. It was great because all WPSD updates were taken care of by going to Admin -> Update. developed by Chip, W0CHP, and has been upgraded to run on RPi Bullseye (and a Bookworm beta is being tested). 5) and it randomly loses connection to the reflector. In the SSH window: sudo pistar-upgrade Or, click the Expert Editor's Upgrade link. HF is disturbing eletronic devices a little bit. Pi-Star is a software image built initially for the Raspberry Pi (produced by the Raspberry Pi Foundation). Last edited by VE3WZW on Thu May 10, 2018 11:10 pm, edited 2 times in total. 96″ or 6 = 1. You'll be making world wide contacts as a ham radio technician from yo Apr 13, 2023 · Can you do do anything else than Pi-Star for your hotspot at home? Yes you can, and I am taking a look at the W0CHP Pi-Star Dashboard. It works great in simplex mode, updated firmware and current pistar software. It is a progression of the Pi-Star and MMDVM projects. En esta ocasión les explico como configurar sus hotspots con Pi-Star o WPSD para que se sumen a la Dec 22, 2023 · I had previously burned the WPSD image on a new Micro SD card, so it was ready to go. Second of all, it's equally important to understand that the availability of a TG (e. If asked, the default login is Neste video mostro o passo a passo simples para instalar o novo Firmware PiStar W0CHP através do painel de controle do programa PI-STAR do hostpot. For example, if you have an MMDVM-based board connected to an RPi via the GPIO header and see "Failure to Init device" in the log lines for a Pi-Star Update, then the RPi isn't communicating with the board via the upgrade pins, 38 and 40. atxdjdgxklkgnunejrzsciisxmbioohtkuybcvqosirxtdfhprv